Friday, 14 March 2014

Oxygenation by Sponges in the deep Ocean

Sponges in the deep ocean
  • Life began by oxygenation in ocean and the atmosphere
  • Oxygen at the upper layer of atmosphere >> bottom layer
  • To sustain life the oxygen demand ~ oxygen supply
  • At the botton: when demand gets high, lifeforms struggle to evolve
Role of Sponges: 
  • Helped in reducing oxygen consumption and creating conditions suited for the evolution of more complex, multi-cellular life with higher oxygen needs 
  • Also helped in “removing” phosphorus found in the ocean
  • This led to a rise in oxygen supply in the deep ocean for the animals to evolve.
*Courtesy: Nature Geoscience

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

China's ASBM in the Pacific Ocean

ASBM - Anti Ship Ballistic Missile

What: ASBM (Anti Ship Ballistic Missile) + Onboard radar
Purpose: Can track and strike an aircraft carrier in  the Pacific from about 2000 km distance
Comment: "Has shaken the traditional view of the U.S. Navy’s unassailable superiority in the Pacific"
China currently has three clusters of ELINT (Electronic Intelligence)satellites that provide global surveillance. 
The People's Liberation Army (PLA). It is the world's largest military force, with a strength of approximately 3 lakhs.